Common Bread

Fellowship Hall 23601 NE Arata Rd, Troutdale, OR, United States

Dinner will be provided as we take turns reading Scripture aloud. You will be blessed! Pre-registration is required.

A Place at the Table

Fellowship Hall 23601 NE Arata Rd, Troutdale, OR, United States

Ladies, we are saving a seat for you! All women encouraged to attend (high school age and up). We will enjoy fellowship, teaching, a mid-morning snack, and thoughts to ponder as you leave. Cost is $2 Register in lobby or contact the church office. Free childcare with pre-registration.


Adult-Teen Pickleball! Ages 12 and up. Limited space and slots! A minimal $5 non-refundable fee paid to WVBC reserves your spot. Saturday, March 22, 11am-1pm @ East County Pickleball Courts 27100 SE Stark St, Troutdale, OR 97060 Contact Craig Crandall or the church office with questions, or to get added to the list.  More details […]

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