
Often called “Communion,” The Lord’s Supper was started by Jesus at the close of the Passover Meal just hours before He went to the cross to die. Jesus’ disciples were sitting with “the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world” (John 1:29).



We understand the bread that Jesus served to represent His body that carried our sin when He died to pay the price for it on our behalf. The cup that He offered (wine that night, but we use grape juice) represents His blood that He shed to wash away our sin.

According to I Corinthians 11, we believe that The Lord’s Supper is to be shared by anyone who has trusted Jesus as their Savior by believing that He is God and acknowledging Him personally. It is also a time for followers of Jesus to review their life and to confess to Him any sin that has crept in.

It is a memory celebration – Jesus said to do this to remember Him. So it is reserved for His followers to do as often as is appropriate and until He comes back. At Wood Village Baptist Church, we offer this opportunity the first Sunday of the month.

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