A yearly July event
Wood Village Nite Out
The City of Wood Village coordinates the event, partnering with The Multnomah County Sherriff's Office, the PlayEast Program, and Wood Village Baptist Church. This year's event is scheduled for July 18. 5-8pm. For more information, see
Hosted on our campus, this event is a part of the National Nite Out Program that is supported by many of the businesses in the area. Wood Village Baptist Church provides over 100 volunteers for the estimated crowd of 2,500 visitors.
Wood Village Nite Out is the city’s largest neighborhood event, featuring a parade, free food, live music, 25+ vendors, kids’ games and activities, hayrides, and demonstrations by the Multnomah County Sheriff’s Department, first responders, local organizations, non-profits and U.S. Military.
If you have questions, contact the church office at [email protected] or 503-661-7686
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