Youth center upgrade

Investing in our youth

we are investing in our youth with an upgrade to our tired youth center. We want to provide a comfortable, safe space for them to gather.

construction IS UNDERWAY!


Project Details

  • New roof and windows
  • Repair/replace siding
  • Covered entry awning
  • Repair/Replace exterior doors
  • Paint exterior and interior
  • HVAC & insulation update
  • Replace ceiling in main room
  • Update all light fixtures
  • Replace carpet
  • Update bathrooms
  • Update and expand kitchen
  • Reclaim 2nd story for ministry use
  • Build stage and sound booth
  • Install new sound system

If you have any questions or would like to volunteer, contact Patrick Vestal, Youth Pastor.

The Vision

The world wants to teach a counter-gospel that puts ‘self’ as top priority and devalues community. The Church is in a battle - and the front line of this battle, where the fiercest fighting rages, is with young people.


For over 20 years, WVBC has had initiatives to reach young people because we know that we have more to offer than the empty promises of the world. We have the Gospel of Jesus - and through the message of that gospel we have joy, peace, hope and freedom.


In this updated space, students will learn how to lead worship, teach, care for facilities, and participate in ministries that we already have going on. Everything is centered around getting students prepared and equipped to join the larger church and serve alongside God’s people.


We’ve been looking for opportunities during these unprecedented days. Remarkably, the limitations surrounding the coronavirus make this the perfect time to carry out a project like this.


So many people are looking into the future with apprehension and skepticism, but Wood Village Baptist Church is looking into the future with hope and anticipation!

Teaching the Bible. Caring For People.

Have a question for our pastors?  Would you like us to pray for you or a loved one?  We're here for you.

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