Better to Wait

Better to Wait

August 21, 2019

As a kid, there was always the anticipation of what might be coming for a birthday or Christmas gift.  I remember wondering what it would be like to know ahead of time what was in the package.  Knowing how that would spoil the proper day, my parents never allowed it to happen.  Parents know the importance of timing.

Every spring we would plant a garden, and I recall the anxiety of waiting for those first plants appear.  But I was taught that it would limit or kill the growth to try to peek ahead of time.  Waiting was a part of the process toward productivity.  The principle is true of plants and all of life.

I wondered what it would be like to be married and who that person would be.  If I had rushed ahead, Carol would not have been available or interested.  In God’s timing, He brought us together.  I wondered about a life career and was actually headed in a direction other than pastoring.  It was a good option but not the one God had planned.  I am grateful we did not rush ahead of His plan.

I remember reading once that “God gives the best to those who leave the choice to Him.’’  Timing is so important and patient waiting has rewards.  I realize that it is possible to lag behind His plan and miss an opportunity, but I think most of the time many of us rush ahead.

One of the most helpful areas of discipleship is when people are willing to share their life story – especially those parts that include “if only.”  Honest reflection of mistakes and recovery is valuable to those who follow us.  We can help others avoid the fallout from failing to wait for the proper time.

If we could visit with some of the key players whose story is recorded in the Bible, I know we would hear encouragement to wait for God to guide.  Think about Adam, Abraham, Saul and even Judas!  “Wait for the Lord” (Psalm 27:14)”

-Pastor Bill Ehmann

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