“Manager of the Universe”

“Manager of the Universe”

February 17, 2016

After Job’s friends tried to explain why he was hurting so badly, and obviously missed the point entirely, the Lord spoke to Job – first “out of the whirlwind” and later “out of the storm.” He reminded Job of Who He is and how little Job knew. Chapters 38-41 offer an amazing summary of natural events that can only be attributed to Creator God.

In a recent reading of Job 41:11, I gained new insight. Most Bibles say, “Who has given Me that I should repay him? Whatever is under the whole heaven is Mine.” The second half of the verse in The Message paraphrase says: “I’m in charge of all this – I run this universe!”

There is a powerful force in this world. The Bible calls him the “god of this world” or “the god of this age” (II Corinthians 4:4). This is the counterfeit god, Satan. He has been a nuisance to humans ever since he enticed Adam and Eve into following him instead of obeying Creator God. Certainly, Job understood Satan’s power and influence during the difficult time that Satan was allowed to harass him. Job must have wondered if Satan had taken over the world.

But when Creator God talked to Job, it took no time at all to bring Job back to his senses. As God rehearsed examples of what only He could do, Satan’s power became smaller and less significant. It is in that context that God said to Job: “I run this universe!” What a thrilling announcement for a man to hear who had lost everything, was frustrated by his friends and questioned his usefulness.

The presence and power of sin is rampant in our world. Marriages break up, relationships are destroyed, people steal and murder, and children die from starvation and neglect. The god of materialism seems more attractive to many people than the God of holiness. Short-term fulfillment takes priority over long-term values. It feels at times like the “god of this world” has taken over.

But he has not. He is doomed and eventually everyone will know this. Meanwhile, it is encouraging to remember that Creator God owns everything. He runs this universe!

Pastor Bill Ehmann

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