“A Moment of Honest Reflection”

“A Moment of Honest Reflection”

October 25, 2017

Occasionally, I allow myself a few minutes to view life through the eyes of someone who has no belief or trust in Creator God and the Bible. What if they are right, I am wrong, and in the end, there is no life beyond this one.

I cannot prove my confidence as humans define proof. My hope rests on the Bible and the trust I have placed in Savior Jesus. I acknowledge that the faith involved is not something I am capable of creating – it is a Gift from God. And because of it, I enjoy many benefits:

  1. My confidence that there is a God motivates me to want to live within the boundaries outlined in the Bible. When we do this, we enjoy wholesome relationships and make a positive contribution to society.
  2. I have an explanation for the origin of life, the force behind nature, the reason why humans are selfish, and confidence that there is a future.
  3. I feel a sense of inner peace in good times – and sometimes even greater peace when life is not going well.
  4. I have hope – long-term and for the moment. However good I am feeling today, I have confidence that the future will be even better.
  5. The process of gaining knowledge is rewarding, but I do not worry about having answers and explanations for everything.
  6. I feel forgiven. While humans sometimes hold bad feelings toward me for my errors, I have assurance that Creator God does not.
  7. I face the reality of death with assurance that, because of Jesus, I will be welcomed into Heaven.

I welcome anyone who wonders if there is a God, or if there is life after this life, to consider what I enjoy – and then measure it alongside their own enjoyment of today and their hope, or lack of, for tomorrow.

It is a far better life experience to trust the God of the Bible and live according to His principles today – even if there were no tomorrow. But I know there is a tomorrow. Because of Jesus, both today and forever are amazing beyond description. I do not doubt this for a second.

Pastor Bill Ehmann

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