“Sing the Devil Away”

“Sing the Devil Away”

November 29, 2017

James 4:7 tells us to “resist the Devil, and he will flee from you.” We know that our enemy, the counterfeit god, is ready and anxious to find us vulnerable and bring defeat into our life.

Joni Eareckson Tada, in one of her writings, offers this helpful tool for chasing the Devil away: Sing praises to our God. “Songs and hymns of praise clear the air like nothing else. If you’re in any kind of spiritual conflict, the best defense is to sing. It’s a way of resisting the devil. Singing is also the best offense. Songs of praise will confuse the Enemy and send the devil’s hoards hightailing.”

Joni quotes Amy Carmichael, missionary to India: “I truly believe Satan cannot endure the power of song and so slips out of the room.” That idea motivates me to do a lot more singing – most likely when no other humans are listening. Most of my battles with the Devil take place when I am alone. To burst out in songs of praise in those times would honor God, chase the Devil away and bother no one else.

Scripture makes it rather clear that Satan does not like to hear the name of Jesus. This suggests that songs including His name would be front-line defense against him. Instead of waiting for his attack, and our need to resist, it would be good preparation to offer songs of praise as our offense – chase him away before the attack. In competitive sports, a good defense is important, but it is the offense that scores points.

Think of the power of music in a church worship celebration. Every few words include Jesus, God and Holy Spirit. I do not think the Devil wants to be near that gathering.

So today, I am focused on this Gaither song: “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, there’s just something about that name! Master, Savior, Jesus! Like the fragrance after the rain; Jesus, Jesus, Jesus! Let all Heaven and earth proclaim: Kings and kingdoms will all pass away, But there’s something about that name!” That should put the Devil and his troops on the run.

Pastor Bill Ehmann

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