“Sleep During the Storm”

“Sleep During the Storm”

September 23, 2015 Ponder

The story is told of a farmer who needed help. When he interviewed a potential helper and asked about his abilities, the man’s reply was simple: “I can sleep when the wind blows.” Thinking the answer a bit strange but needing the help, the farmer decided to give the man a chance. Over time, it appeared to be a good decision.

One night, a powerful wind blew and the farmer feared that his haystacks would be destroyed. He found his helper sound asleep, and while screaming for the man’s help, he finally woke him and heard him say: “I told you I can sleep when the wind blows.” Then the man turned over in his bed and went back to sleep.

The farmer didn’t want to take the time to fire the man – he could do that in the morning – so he ran to the corral to try to save his haystacks. But when he arrived, he found them all secured. His helper had already done the work and there was no need to be concerned. Now the farmer understood what was meant by, “I can sleep when the wind blows.”

Mark 4 tells about Jesus and His friends in a boat on a lake during a fierce storm. The boat was filling with water. Jesus’ friends found Him sleeping and woke Him with the question: “Teacher, do You not care that we are perishing?” Jesus rebuked the wind and said to the sea, ‘Hush, be still.’ And the wind died down and it became perfectly calm.”

I see two principles in these stories. One is that we need to do our part in life if we want to enjoy peace during the storms that are sure to come. The farmer’s helper planned ahead and did what he could to prepare for the windstorm. The power of the storm was out of his control, but his preparation to face it was a choice that he made.

The other is that the ultimate Power over the storms of life is Jesus. He is always present, but we need to acknowledge our need of Him. Jesus reminded His friends that they needed to have more faith. I wish the story said that when the men realized they were in trouble, they woke up Jesus and said: “This is more than we can handle, but we know that You can take care of it.”

Instead, their statement was an accusation: “Don’t You care that we are perishing?” Of course He cared. And I am sure He knew what was happening all along – after all, He is God.

Actually, if you are going to drown, wouldn’t you prefer to do it with Jesus? He is the One Who walked in the fiery furnace with the three Hebrew men and rescued them. A capsized boat is no challenge for Him.

Pastor Bill Ehmann

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