August 9, 2017
Conversation with someone we trust is an amazing gift. I would not want to be without the privilege I enjoy of spending time with Carol as we discuss life issues along with laughter, tears, dreams, hurts and memories.
I have been pondering what it would be like to have a face-to-face conversation with Jesus. If He stopped by for a chat, what would we talk about? Would He have questions for me and would I have any for Him? Would I feel as free and comfortable to converse with Jesus as I do with Carol? She knows me well, but He knows me completely – better than I know myself.
I hope my first response to Him would be to keep still and see what He had to say to me. If I had no warning that He was coming, I might be startled and feel the need to confess some thoughts or attitudes that did not meet His standard of holiness. And I probably would wonder if He had come to bring correction or even take me home to heaven.
I have thought a lot about what questions I might want to ask Him. After all, this would be my opportunity get insight into some challenges I am facing. I think I would ask Him about some decisions I have made over the years where I am not sure I was completely in touch with His Spirit.
I thought about asking Him how much time I have left before my earth journey is finished. The longer I pondered this question, the more I was convinced that I do not want to know the answer to that question. If I knew my time was short, I would probably become anxious. But if I knew I had a lot of time, I might become careless. When your life is in the hands of a trustworthy person, there are some things that it is best not to know.
So if Jesus should stop by for a chat, I think I just want to listen to Him talk. Listening is the best way to get to know someone.
-Pastor Bill Ehmann