May 13, 2020
Creator God gives us a statement of beauty and hope when He puts a silver lining around a dark cloud in the sky. He reminds us that the darkness is temporary and there is something more powerful than the cloud.
It feels like our lives, our community and our world have a dark cloud hanging over them these days. Everything we do – and cannot do – is somehow influenced by the virus, and at times, it feels very dark and hopeless. I have been pondering the evidence for any silver lining around this cloud. Some thoughts include:
- Like everything on Planet Earth, this cloud is temporary. It will pass – probably much later than anyone desires, but eventually, it will be over.
- While I respect people who believe this is a judgment from God for our sin, I do not think so. All illness is a part of the curse of sin, and in time, God will remove it. Why He allowed this to come at this time is His call – not mine to understand.
- God does not waste any opportunity to bring good out of hurt. Consider the families who are getting acquainted at home now because they were too busy to enjoy doing life together before. Think about how we are learning to do church differently than we did when we could all join in one place.
- People are reaching out to help in ways not considered necessary before. Many churches are expanding help to the community, which has to be making a statement of God’s love to people who need to trust Jesus as their Savior.
- We are learning to do without some freedoms and enjoyments we thought we had to have. It is limiting our selfishness and teaching us gratefulness.
Do I want this to be over and the cloud pushed away by the brightness of the sun? For sure! But if the brightness of the Son of God is being noticed and honored, it is worth it all. He is the ultimate Silver Lining.
Pastor Bill Ehmann