Grateful for Our Country

Grateful for Our Country

July 5, 2018

Another July 4th is history, and I paused to consider the significance of the celebration. I read The Declaration of Independence and portions of The Constitution of The United States of America and was reminded of the concerns that brought those men to the place of being willing to put their lives on the line to pursue the freedom that they believed was intended by Creator God.

They believed that “all men are created equal and that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, among them Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.” They felt that the government was preventing them from enjoying these privileges.

During the past 242 years, we have enjoyed the freedoms that were envisioned by this declaration. And while there will always be people who abuse the privileges and take unfair advantage of the system, overall we have enjoyed a journey that is envied by anyone who understands it and appreciated by all who protect it.

It is easy to find a lot that is wrong with our country, and most of the time that is what gets the attention. But on this day, I am reflecting on what I enjoyed yesterday:

  1. I flew the USA flag and was not fearful that it would bring harm to our home.
  2. I read the Bible and prayed aloud without concern that this might bring a negative reaction from anyone who was aware of it.
  3. I enjoyed our home in a neighborhood that respects people, understands authority, and is cared for by police and other first responders.
  4. I listened to fireworks and remembered how much fun this was when I was a kid.
  5. I thought about the meaning of “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness” and was grateful that I enjoy all of that.

I appreciate the significance of people long ago who wanted for themselves and for me the privileges I am enjoying. Creator God designed human life to be fulfilling and productive. And even though sin messed up the plan, He included a Way for us to come back to Him through Savior Jesus. Our country makes it easy for me to believe and enjoy.

Pastor Bill Ehmann

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