May 10, 2018
This coming Sunday is dedicated to all mothers. I have been thinking about the many people who will benefit from this special day and not all of them are mothers. The commercial world thrives on the sale of flowers, gifts and restaurant activity. Some mothers could easily feel used rather than honored.
While our mother is worthy of honor each day of our life, it is appropriate that we take time to give extra attention to her on this special day. There are many ways to do this:
- We should be grateful that she gave us life. We would not be here without her. The circumstances of our birth and the relationship we have or had with our mother should never overshadow the reality that we are here because of her. We did not get here or survive on our own.
- If we feel our mother did a good job with our upbringing, it is easier to appreciate her than if we do not have such good memories. But we can remember that she did the best she knew how and if she could do it all over again, she would make some appropriate changes.
- Our mother is the person God chose to fill that role. To appreciate our mother is to honor Creator God. It takes a human male and female teamed up with God to bring a child into the world. While humans tend to get in the way of God’s plans, we can be sure that we arrived with His awareness and involvement. When we honor our mother, we honor God.
- Honoring our mother is a statement of honor to all mothers, and this honors God. However we celebrate on Sunday and in whatever way we remember our mother, we are exalting one of Creator God’s greatest gifts – mothers.
Since each of us has a mother, this Sunday is a day for everyone to celebrate Happy Mother’s Day!
Pastor Bill Ehmann