If Only It Could Be Reality

If Only It Could Be Reality

February 7, 2020

Two major concerns are on the mind of most humans: Where do I find happiness and fulfillment, and what happens to me when I die.

The Apostle Paul’s letter to the Colossians answers both of these questions and many others. He says that knowing Jesus Christ brings peace and purpose to our life. And this relationship with Jesus assures the hope of eternal life with Him when we die.

People who do not know Jesus will lack peace and hope. They need us to tell them about Jesus. That is why followers of Jesus are still on Planet Earth – telling about Jesus by our life and our words.

What troubles me is that too many people who do know Jesus are not enjoying a fulfilled life. In Colossians 3:12-17, Paul counsels Christians on how to live a joy-filled life that sounds almost too good to be possible. He outlines the attitude and actions necessary:

*Compassion – caring for others ahead of ourselves

*Kindness – so easy to offer but so lacking in our world

*Humility – a life-long learning process that looks more and more like Jesus

*Meekness – a quiet spirit

*Patience – which leads to acceptance and forgiveness

Then the motivation – put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony! Just imagine a troubled marriage, church, family or business that followed these directives. If this could only be a reality. Actually, it can be. Take God at His word and in humility follow the plan. It is worth the effort – ask anyone who is doing it.

Pastor Bill Ehmann

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