June 12, 2019
A number of stories claim the origin of Father’s Day, but one theme is common –to show appreciation for Dad and honor him in appropriate ways. It is a worthy tradition.
The word “father” appears nearly 1,100 times in the Bible. The first time is in Genesis 2:24, where we read, “A man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife.” It is easy to honor a man who matures to the point of leaving his parents, becomes his own confident person and takes on the privileged responsibility of a wife – and eventually children.
The Bible includes many stories of men who took seriously the role of father. It also includes stories of some who brought disgrace to the family. We read about the first man, Adam, who listened to the counterfeit god, Satan, and brought sin into the human race. And we read with joy about the second man, Jesus, Who made a way for that sin problem to be removed so that humans could return to a relationship with the Creator.
Fathers are held to a very high standard in God’s design for the family. When we do our job correctly, everyone has a better life. And when we fail, everyone feels the loss. It is significant to remember that Creator God refers to Himself as “Father.” While human fathers can never attain the perfection of God, it is important to know that He is the standard and example. If we want to know what a father is supposed to be, we can study Creator God.
On this special weekend, I will enjoy the privilege of being a father and grandfather. Just the awareness that people are thinking about this motivates me to be more diligent to follow the example of Father God in commitment, faithfulness, patience, forgiveness, love, grace and endurance.
Fellow dads and granddads, “HAPPY FATHER’S DAY!” We are in this together with God.
Pastor Bill Ehmann