In God’s Waiting Room

In God’s Waiting Room

January 8, 2020

Long before anyone talked about “mentoring,” Al Sanders, radio host for Biola, was doing that for me. He and his wife, Margaret, have been a constant Godly influence for Carol and me. We are so grateful for them.

Now in their early 90’s, this note came recently from Al: “Margaret and I are in ‘God’s Waiting Room,’ ready for whenever and however He decides to call us to be with Him. That’s the most exciting part of our lives.” I am so encouraged by this outlook.

It occurs to me that regardless of how young or old we are, or what our health is like, all followers of Jesus are in “God’s Waiting Room.” We do not know when or how He will call, but we want to be ready and excited when it happens.

This past year, our 107-year-old church member finally got her call Home to Heaven. She felt ready long before that and wondered why God was waiting.  Other people get called so young, leaving grieving loved ones with many questions. When we are in a waiting room, all we know for sure is that they have our name and eventually we will hear it called. The security of followers of Jesus is that we will get the call.

This month I am reading through the Book of Philippians each day. It is a change of pace from reading through the Bible in a year, which I have done for a long time. I am reminded of the Apostle Paul’s example of wanting to hear his call but willing to stay for the sake of those who needed him. His balanced outlook encourages me.

When we are in an office waiting room, we may feel the time is not productive.  But in “God’s Waiting Room,” we continue to be available and useful to Him. Our time here might make an eternal difference to another person.

Pastor Bill Ehmann

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