“Little Things”

“Little Things”

March 10, 2016

A pencil-sized leak in a dike, if not stopped, can destroy a huge dam.

A tiny blemish on an apple, if not removed, will eventually ruin the entire fruit.

A small nail can cause a flat tire and disable a large vehicle.

A tiny spark can cause a huge fire.

A very small amount of tooth decay can cause a lot of pain and eventually destroy the whole tooth.

One spoken word can encourage or discourage a person and make a significant difference in their day.

One mile of walking each day will add up over a year to the equivalent of a journey across the entire state.

One dollar saved each day will make a nice gift to charity at Christmas time.

One little smile can change the outlook of a hurting human.

One faulty O-ring can cost the lives of an entire space crew.

Human nature looks for “big” things like fame, fortune and fun. But most of the joy in life is found in faithfulness to little things.

Jesus noticed little children, little gifts, little seeds, little animals and little acts of kindness. He said, “If you want to be great in God’s kingdom, learn to be the servant of all.”

Serving involves little acts carried out consistently over time. This is a little reminder with big impact.

Pastor Bill Ehmann

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