Thanksgiving Praise

Thanksgiving Praise

November 27, 2019

“It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord, and to sing praises to Your name, O Most High.” Psalm 92:1

Today I am thankful:

* That Creator God does not change and that He does not let me make decisions that only He is capable of making.

* That God is not willing that anyone would miss out on spending forever with Him; anyone who will not be there has decided to refuse His free Gift of Grace in Savior Jesus.

* That I have the privilege of living in the USA; it is not perfect, but there is no other place I want to live.

* That a lot of people have been patient with me over many years – and still are.

* That I have enjoyed 54 years of marriage to Carol, with whom at one time I thought I could not even get a date!

* That I have been privileged to be in church ministry for 50 years; it is a gift to do every day what really does not feel like work.

* That there is one book, the Bible, that still tells the Story of Jesus; knowing Him brings life eternal.

* That I do not have to find answers to life questions that seem to have no answers; it just shows that God is God and I am not.

* That I enjoy what God has promised if we seek Him – food, clothing and shelter; and that the homeless might experience some of this during the holidays because people care.

* That the church founded by Jesus has endured the test of time and will continue until He comes back for it.

* That freedom from the penalty of sin also brings the power to overcome daily sins so that life can be filled with peace and contentment.

* That one day I will not write a “Thanksgiving Praise” but will express it in person to Savior Jesus.

Pastor Bill Ehmann

1 thought on “Thanksgiving Praise”

  1. We love you Pastor Bill. We love listening to you, playing with you, praying with and for you, having you for a neighbor, a pastor and genuine trusted friend. God bless you and Carol today and a whole lot more tomorrows. Looking forward to our next tb run!!! Love, Diane and Jerry

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