“The Wonder of It All”

“The Wonder of It All”

April 12, 2018

Springtime in the Pacific Northwest offers a daily increase in natural beauty. Almost overnight, the trees add flowers and leaves. Birds are singing and building nests. People are anxious to get into the garden as they anticipate summer growth and fall harvest.

George Beverly Shea sang about the wonder of sunset, sunrise, springtime, harvest, sky, stars and sun, then always added: “But the wonder of wonders that thrills my soul is the wonder that God loves me.” It is important to honor the Creator of the creation. Humans often forget to do this.

The wonder of the Creator goes far beyond the world of nature. While God’s love for humanity is beyond amazing, there is so much more about Him. He spoke and the world came into existence. The order of the universe is planned and managed by His power. No human can explain eternity or space because to us there is always a wall or a boundary with something on the other side.

Study of the human body and what it is capable of doing reveals another of God’s wonders. The medical world continues to develop helpful treatments and procedures to heal disease, but no one has the ability to conquer death. And beyond physical death is spiritual death caused by sin that can only be cured by the application of Jesus’ death and resurrection to our life. That is the wonder of God’s love and forgiveness.

One of the many benefits of springtime is that it can be a constant reminder of Creator God. This involves a choice on our part, because we can simply enjoy the beauty or we can let this turn our focus to the Creator. In a world of distractions that tend to take our thoughts away from God, I am grateful for the constant reminder of Him by just observing and appreciating the season.

Pastor Bill Ehmann

1 thought on ““The Wonder of It All””

  1. Absolutely agree. And spring does reawaken my daily appreciation for the Creator and fills my spirit and words with Thanks to God.

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