Think Jesus

Think Jesus

June 19, 2019

The New Testament says that followers of Jesus “have the mind of Christ” (I Corinthians 2:16). Philippians 2:5 tells us to have Jesus’ “attitude” in us. Knowing that Jesus is God, and that He entered a human body to be our Savior from sin, it is amazing that we could think His thoughts or think together with Him. 

A few years back, it was popular to wear shirts and bracelets that said “WWJD” (What Would Jesus Do?). It was a reminder to think about Jesus before making decisions. We could avoid many mistakes and make appropriate decisions if we paused long enough to consider what Jesus would do in our situation.

The early chapters of Genesis talk about Creator God being with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. I do not pretend to understand the Trinity – Father, Son and Holy Spirit – so I do not know if those first humans were aware of Jesus. I know that He is deity, and that makes me think they could have been aware of Him. For sure, they could have paused to consider, “What would Creator God do?” when the counterfeit god, Satan, made his proposal.

Through the centuries, it is obvious that humans think “self” before thinking of God – if they consider Him at all – in their decision-making. The consequences are obvious. Fortunately, when people do think about God first, the rewards are abundant. 

After Jesus came to Planet Earth, the ability to see God in a human personality made it a lot easier to realize what He is like and how He thinks. The Gospels are filled with examples of Jesus’ attitude, His responses and His character. We can know what God is like by studying Jesus.

While I see value in “WWJD,” I find it challenging to learn to “think Jesus.” The concept works in other areas of my life. When I “think Carol,” who loves me, it affects my decisions. When I “think mentors,” who taught me, it influences my approach to life, career and daily assignments. It is even more important to “think Jesus.”

Pastor Bill Ehmann


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