April 15, 2020
A number of things Jesus said and did while on Planet Earth make me think He had a sense of humor. Recently, I have thought about this in light of Resurrection Day. He had told His followers several times that He would be killed and rise again in three days. But on that third day, none of them seemed to be thinking about Him possibly being alive.
There were angels at the tomb who told the women He was alive and to tell His followers. Later in the day, He came alongside some people walking and had a lengthy conversation with them about Himself. They had no idea it was Jesus. When they did recognize Him, He disappeared and visited them later with other followers.
Perhaps the event that has gripped me more this week is the meeting Jesus had with Mary Magdalene. She was at the tomb – not looking for a living Jesus, but for His dead body. She wanted to give him a proper burial. The process had been done hurriedly on Friday and she wanted to show her love and respect.
She talked with the angels who were inside the tomb, wanting them to tell her where Jesus’ body had been taken. She realized there was a person standing nearby, and even when He asked her why she was crying, her only response was to ask if He could tell her where to find the body.
Then it happened: He called her name, “Mary!” She recognized His voice and knew it was Jesus. Her life was changed immediately. Sadness turned to joy and fear to worship. When He called her name, she believed. She had hope and security. A death scene turned into a living hope celebration.
I have not heard Jesus call my name verbally – perhaps you have. But decades ago when I trusted Him as my Savior, He did call my name. I am secure in God’s family because of Him, and I am grateful. Has He called your name? Do you believe that He is God, your Savior? Read Romans 10:9-10.
Pastor Bill Ehmann