Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day

May 8, 2019

It is appropriate to have a day of special focus on mothers, but I fear that she is neglected far too many of the other days of the year. Many special days are like that. How many of us have thought about Christmas since the last one? Easter? Memorial Day? Independence Day? Each event is special, but the thought should last longer than one day.

Mother’s Day should be every day of the year. Each of us has the gift of life that we received from our mother. As we approach this coming Sunday, we might consider ways to keep mothers in focus for more than one day.

  1. Offer a prayer of thanks for our mother. Whether she is still living or has completed her earth assignment, we honor our mother by giving thanks for her.
  2. If our mother is living, we can call or send a note of appreciation and tell her thanks for being our mother. (Flowers are nice, too.)
  3. If our mother is no longer living, we can do something to honor her – maybe contribute to a charity that helps mothers. We could volunteer in her memory – perhaps fill an assignment a mother normally does and give her the day off.
  4. We probably know a mother whose finances are limited. Maybe we can provide some cash or offer to watch her children while she enjoys time doing something she would enjoy – like taking a nap.
  5. Watch for a frustrated mother in the grocery line who is leaving something behind for lack of funds – and pay for it.
  6. Resolve to be less critical of mothers whose children seem out of control, and pray for them.
  7. Forgive our mother for something we feel she could have done differently.

This might be the week to follow through on any of these ideas or others. If we continue to have these goals in mind come August and January, we will be honoring the true spirit of Mother’s Day.

Pastor Bill Ehmann

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