Grateful for Peace

Grateful for Peace

December 19, 2018

Nearing the end of the year, my daily Bible reading includes a chapter from Revelation. I understand so little about this book. Much of the story in Revelation is anything but peaceful. It is obvious that Jesus is in charge. As John the Baptizer said, “Behold the Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world” (John 1:29). That is why Jesus came to Planet Earth and the reason we celebrate Christmas. When Jesus came, sin lost its grip and Satan was defeated. In time, it will all be obvious.

Revelation is about the final events that take place before God makes a new heaven and earth, puts Satan away forever and removes the presence of sin. It gives a glimpse of what forever looks like. For people who know Jesus, it is a beautiful future. For those who reject Him, the picture is worse than frightening.

While reading Revelation, a few things are obvious. Consider how long ago the sin problem entered our world when the counterfeit god, Satan, convinced Adam and Eve to trust him more than Creator God. The patience of God is amazing as He has continued to work with humans to make us holy so that He can enjoy a relationship with us.

Revelation shows us that God has established boundaries and eventually His wrath on sin will be displayed. When I read those chapters, I am grateful that I know I will never experience what is described. If I did not have assurance that I am God’s child through trust in Jesus, reading that material would make me run to Him.

When a human begins to understand the love of God and ponders the reality of what a life away from God forever might involve, I cannot imagine why they would wait any longer to accept Jesus, the Mediator between God and humans. Read Revelation without trying to explain it. There is peace at the end of earth life when we know Jesus.

Pastor Bill Ehmann

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